Just in time for the debut of her new show 'Wrecked', the hilarious and talented Ginger Gonzaga joins us on this very special episode of the podcast! She talks to us about her many awesome roles on shows like 'Mixology' and 'Togetherness'. She also tells us about some fun pranks she did as a kid, and how she got into comedy. We even geeked out about what nerd TV and film she liked, and also got into the fact that it's weird that the Starbucks logo is a mermaid "presenting" herself. It's a fun and insightful conversation and it was one of the highlights of doing this podcast to have her on!
Watched 'Wrecked' on TBS every Tuesday at 10 p.m.!
Another year has gone by, which means Derek has made his pilgrimage once again to the ATX Television Festival in Austin, and this time he made sure to record his thoughts from Texas with the first friend of our podcast -- Dominick Dusseault! They break down the highs and lows of this year's ATX experience, including getting burgers with donuts for buns (yeah, I know --- what?!). Check out pics from the fest @geekdomfancast on Instagram!
If you missed this episode over at GodHatesGeeks.com, first of all - you're probably not following us on Facebook (facebook.com/TheGeekdomFancast), second of all - here it is on OUR feed! This episode we join forces with our editor, Travis Moody, over at God Hates Geeks to talk about the first couple of episodes of Preacher in a crossover with GHG's Preacher's Pit podcast show. Then we go all Geekdom Fancast with a heated conversation about X-Men: Apocalypse. Twice the geek for this week!
If you want to listen to one segment and not the other, here are the time-stamps so you can skip ahead.