Friend, comedienne, writer, and fellow geek, Eva Ceja joins us for another fun conversation about being a working creator and performer. We get into it about Second City, working on a network show, learning the heroes journey through Dan Harmon, with a whole lotta silliness in between. Eva's one of our funniest friends, and we're sure you'll have as much of a blast listening to her riff as we had riffing with her!
This is the kind of episode that we imagined The Geekdom Fancast to be from the jump - a conversation with a friend who is doing creative things that slowly segue's into a nerdy conversation about anything and everything. This week it's Robert Bexar II turn to join us IN PERSON to talk about his short film, turned pilot, 'Geek Haven'. He discusses the inspiration for the comedy, his process, and then basically about everything that he loves. Don't worry, we love it too. From comic book heroes to sitcoms of yesteryear, we had a blast just old fashion nerding out - and you will too!